Booru Harassment, Soy Sauce & 4chan!

I have to admit it, the best scenes and characters are from 4chan. I've been aching to just get of few of those, it's like being a leecher again or begger, just begging anonymous people to upload their cards, knowing most likely it's a upload and run type deal. Also 20+ people in discord and just two people talking is so wierd? Anyways I took a break from going thru the 30,000 JP preset. Went through 71 pages on the official illusion website and for some reason a lot of the 40,000+ series look alot like the 20-30K series of cards. Seems like they don't have a same filter to block out same cards or something. Even on some pages there's 3 of the same girl posted. Oh wells. I got through nearly 80 pages on Booru Illusion cards website and wow. So many negative comments from anonymous. I know there's wierd fetishes out there like furries, pedo, futa etc.. but dang can some of you guys keep comments to what "clearly are people still learning how to modify/create" characters. Keep in mind not everybody is asian and can draw 2D pictures let alone 3D faces/bodies.

Anyways too bad there's no option to stop these trolls that are making ugly faces and uploading them, almost a Fry moment, "Not sure if bad artist, or trolling?" Anyways they got to implement something it's getting out of hand for people who just want to share their creation. Here's some of the worst stuff I've seen while reading the comments.

XXXXXXXXPosted on 2017-02-04 10:11:59 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Reported)Dear XXXXXX, you suffer from a severe case of samefacing.

Posted on 2017-02-04 15:47:16 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam) 
remade it. if you dont like it dont jack off to it quit ya crying or make a better one

Posted on 2016-12-29 02:12:46 (Already flagged)Lmao, literally Asagi, downvoted :D

Posted on 2016-12-29 11:01:50 (Flag for deletion)This face was based on first screenshots of BBA Asagi. Then the original leaked out with skin mods. I'm glad someone can't tell the difference.

AnonymousPosted on 2017-01-06 16:21:48 (Flag for deletion)Lmao, kill yourself XXXX :-}

Yea it's pretty bad, I know 4chan does it too, but it's less vulgar and at least there's no thumbs down war or thumbs up.

Take this for example:
ugly brood, got 51 upvotes... :(

Anyways here's some girls!


My 2nd attemp at Angelina Jolie

1st attempt

Here's the source:

Yes the artist was pretty accurate, so the card just stopped me from what I was doing and try to enhance Jolie's look sadly I think i butchered it a bit much. Maybe if I have time I'll reference pictures of her face more and take that approach instead of going by eye. One thing for sure Jolie does have really high or pronounced cheeks. Her lips throughout the years went from a pouty 40-60% to at least a 100/144 to even 200% while smiling. Almost every photoshop has her nose at around 40-50% width while in reality it's like 60-70% so almost have to go with artistic rendering instead of "real life" attributes etc...The artist didn't have enougth on the outer side of the eyes, Angelina Jolie has really balanced eyes and it's not done where on the either mine or the original poster, sadly.

Ah and finally I kinda understand the soy sauce type thing. It stops leechers, in a community of lurkers and shadowy visitors it's hard to really force them to contribute instead of just download and run, but man. 5-7 soy sauce for one character? I can understand 1-5 for a well done but medicore ones... I just don't understand, most of the girls don't even have any definging features and look like white porclean dolls and I"m asian so I can't really blame them for going for that "oniichan" loli look.


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