Remixing... restoring... discord & lighting
Well finaly gotten around to writing another post. There has been so many things up I didn't have time to tweak my final "The Black Tape Project" before releasing it yet. In the meantime more discord drama as we kick a toxic member out. Only thing is he's attached to some mod's leg and as I found out... They just need to get "re-invited" back. I didn't mind him seeing me as a rival or ignoring me. Thinking i'm dumb etc.. but putting hate on other people and their work is just wrong. Sure to him he's an elite asshole, but if you don't have anything good to say, then don't say it. Anyways he kept his mouth shut on how he got his epic screencapture. For the longest time we figured he used photoshop as he was alluding to it with his... "How do I make the background white?" question in which he called me retarded for assuming he's a newbie. Since you couldn't make background transparent its' not possible in game unl...